Taking Care of Future YOU
Recently, I heard this new take on self-care and I loved it so I needed to share it with you. Need help with your health goals? I offer no obligation (really) coaching calls to help you! Request your call here! If you are up for going on this Imperfect...
Aging is Proof of Living!
Anti-aging or pro-aging. What do you think? I think I am going to lean into aging. Need help with your health goals? I offer no obligation (really) coaching calls to help you! Request your call here! If you are up for going on this Imperfect Adventure...
Diet Industry and their lies
Data doesn’t lie. Diets don’t work. And the cycle of dieting just means we will end up weighing more than when we started. Please stop believing the lies. There are ways to eat that will give you the health you are after, and diets aren’t it. Need help...
Take up space, Ladies!
Food is fuel. Say it with me. We need food to survive. You are allowed to take up space. Food is not the enemy. You are not the enemy. Let’s talk about the true villains instead. Need help with your health goals? I offer no obligation (really) coaching...
Why it is hard to lose weight during perimenopause
Weight loss after 50 can be so frustrating and infuriating. For some women it feels damn near impossible, even when they are barely eating!! I am always shocked at the women who come to me for help and see how few calories they eat in a day, yet they...
The first step towards success is often the hardest
EVERY client rolls their eyes when I recommend they track their food. I wish it wasn’t as vital as it is because I get it, I understand why it feels hard. Here is the good news, you don’t have to do it forever and the benefit of knowing the truth about...
What your hunger is trying to telling you
Women are so disconnected from their bodies…in so many ways…but in particular to our feelings of hunger. There are many reasons why and I certainly have my own theories, but more importantly I want to teach you how to tune back in. After you have listened...
Perimenopause: Second Puberty?
It always astounds me how little women are taught about what to expect of their bodies as we age. I am on a mission to change this for as many women as possible. Today, we are going to chat about some lesser-known symptoms that indicate you might be in...
Lessons Learned from Diet Culture
I am 3 weeks into teaching my 6-week Menopause Nutrition Mastery Course. As I was scrolling through the weekly feedback forms I had lots of thoughts rolling around my head and decided to process in real time for this episode. Maybe you can relate to it....
Getting Healthy is the LONG game
Getting (and staying) healthy is the LONG game, literally the game of your entire life. Which is also why I think we really struggle with big health goals. In this episode I share with you a simple technique I use to help me stay focused on my goals. I...
What to do when you screw up
I screwed up last week...in a pretty big (to me) way. I wanted to share my process of working through my thoughts around it with you as I think it might be helpful, since we all screw up sometimes! Need help creating new thoughts and not beating yourself...
My Formula for Eating with Ease
It is HERE!! The thing I have been working on for months is ready to make its way into the world. I promise...eating healthy as a woman does not need to be so dang hard...we feel that way BUT it is a LIE!! So I created a course to show you HOW to eat with...
200th Episode…WHAT?!?!
WOAH...200 episodes...I am not sure how I have done so many. Thanks for hanging out with me for so long, it is truly an honor. Today I decided to share TEN lessons I have learned along the way. I hope you enjoy it! Need help creating a healthy nutrition...
Feeling Like a Fraud
I had no idea that so many people feel like frauds...Impostor Syndrome is real and it is prevalent. I just ran across a statistic that 82% of us struggle with Impostor Syndrome, but the sneaky thing about it is that we assume that we are the only ones....
Can Eating Healthy Be Easy?
We all want to eat a healthy diet. Most of us understand nutrition's importance, especially if we hope to lose weight. What I hear over and over and over again is just how hard it is for women to actually accomplish that. It is so much from meal planning,...
Showing Gratitude
Verbalizing gratitude does not come easy to me. In this year of exploring my word of the year: WORTHY, I realized I need to let others know when I value them too. Today I share some recent attempts and how they went. #workinprogress Need some help in this...
Weathering Life
I use my daily walks (if I am alone) to contemplate life. Sometimes I want to share those thoughts with you. I think this weather "metaphor" can be helpful to you. Listen in to find out what the heck I am talking about... Need some help not letting life...
Change Takes Time
We chronically underestimate the time it will take for us to change and this is only fed further by bad marketing for products that will "give you 6-pack abs in 6 weeks!". Listen to today's episode to find out what works better and how to embrace the...
Priority: YOU!
Is this the year you are finally going to make yourself a priority? YAY!! That is great to hear!!! One quick second though...listen to this episode so you don't let this important thing get in the way!! Need some help in this area? I offer no obligation,...
Consistency: Why is it so hard?
Consistency. The #1 thing the women I coach struggle with. How to remain consistent in the healthy habits they know they need to be doing! For the love...why is it so hard? Listen in to today's episode for the answer! Need some help in this area? I offer...
May 2023 be Kind to Us
Since 2017 I have ditched New Year's Resolutions and instead set an intention for the year, normally in the form of a word of the year. This year I did the same, but I am holding it all loosely. How do you plan for the new year? Need some help in this...
Well-Fed or Well-Nourished
We are in the middle of my Menopause Weight Loss Deep Dive and a common question I am asked is "what about calories?". During this episode, I will answer that question, and get on my soapbox a little bit. Need some help in this area? I offer no...
Did you know? Menopause Edition
I am about 5 years into perimenopause/menopause and I am shocked at how much I did not know! Knowledge is power and leads to empowered decision-making. As women, we need to understand our bodies and make informed choices. I hope this episode helps you...
Living Intentionally using the 3 Ps
Sometimes I stumbled across and concept or piece of content I cannot help but share because it is so brilliant! I feel this way about today's concept of the 3 Ps (shout out to IG for placing the Diary of an Honest Mom in my feed). I learned about it last...