I am trying to do the work in my own life to be open to the race reconciliation conversation in our country right now. This is my first attempt to share and I guarantee I will screw it up, but I am determined to learn and grow. I am by no means an expert (or even a novice) but it is my desire to do my very best in this space.

Today’s oil sponsor is Black Pepper because it encourages us to be authentic, and that is the only posture to have it we want to grow and learn through tough things. If you want to have this handy whenever you need it, click on the link below and/or the link to message me directly and just write “podcast” and I’ll know what you mean and we will connect.

ESSENTIAL OIL LINK: https://doterra.me/6hn2cp9e

Message me here~ m.me/kami.schaal

If you are up for going on this Imperfect Adventure with me there are a couple things for you to do.

Step 1: Subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode

Step 2: Join our community over on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/imperfectadventure. We don’t have to be invisible in podcast land. Here you will find an incredible community of imperfect women just like you! Women who don’t have it all together but keep moving forward anyway.

Step 3: Take a deep breath, and join me on the next episode. See you then!