One of the top questions we are asked is “What is your daily oil protocol?”, so we thought we should share. This has changed over the years when new products are released or as Kami finds new research.

We both start with full dose LifeLong Vitality, this is a no brainer, the best foundational supplements you can buy. Hands down. Period. We also add Deep Blue polyphenols to support our achy bodies, Terrazyme and PB assist for digestive support.

We also take a few oils internally every morning to support our overall health and wellness. Here is our “recipe”:

-Frankincense to support healthy cellular function*

-Copaiba to support our cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous, and respiratory  systems*

-DDR Prime to protect our body and cells from oxidative stress*

-Pink Pepper to promote healthy cellular immune function and response*

-Turmeric for daily antioxidant support*

-OnGuard for overall immune support*

We add two drops of each to a veggie cap and ingest every morning. Honestly, these oils have been life changing for us. I cannot imagine our lives without them. We don’t struggle with our health like we used to. We have tools to support us when health issues arise. We sleep better, we are more active, we spend less time feeling lousy, the list goes on and on. I want this for everyone!!

Here’s to health, Dan and Kami