On my 40th birthday I sat expectantly in the orthopedist’s office. I was finally going to get the answers I needed to move forward. You see, just 6 months earlier I had undergone back surgery for herniated discs and during my recovery and intense physical therapy I started to experience extreme knee pain. I was having a hard time walking up or down stairs, getting into my car, or bending down to help my kids without pain. I was certain that I had something torn because of my over-training as a runner (hence the herniated disc situation). I anticipated the need for a quick arthroscopic procedure and I would finally have my life and body back after a year of frustration.

I had brought MRI results with me so my doctor could see the damage. To my surprise he found them unremarkable and wanted an x-ray instead. Luckily they had one right there and off I went. When the doctor came in the room I was still was sure he was going to tell me about some tear somewhere…but he didn’t…”Kami, you have advanced arthritis of both knees, but the right knee looks like the knee of someone at least 25 years older than you. All I can offer is a total knee replacement, but since you are so young we need to wait as long as possible.” What? Excuse me? Are you in the wrong exam room?

His advice in a nutshell was to stop all activity that caused pain, take ibuprofen for pain relief, and when the pain got too bad we would schedule surgery. I WAS 40!!!!! I drove home in complete and utter shock. The back surgery at 39 was enough I thought. The inability to exercise like I wanted to was enough to lose. Now this? How is that even possible? And I might also add that when my neurosurgeon looked at my MRI after my back injury he also noted how advanced my arthritis was for my age.

I cried and drowned my sadness with wine for a couple days. Then I got down to business. I started researching and was determined to find an alternative to surgery/being in pain. I realized that inflammation was a problem. Obviously I was under an extreme amount of internal inflammation to be causing such significant changes in my body, but why? I started looking at internal and external sources of inflammation (food, alcohol, stress levels, etc). First step was to cut out inflammatory foods (dairy, gluten, and alcohol), then I started taking stress seriously and put into place some better self-care habits (sleep and yoga).

While these strategies helped some I was still suffering from daily pain and my ibuprofen intake was concerning, last thing I wanted was to end up with an ulcer. So I went looking for alternative to ease the discomfort. This protocol was born from some trial and error but it has changed my life over the past 5 years. No longer do I suffer from daily discomfort, my knees will ache when rainy weather comes but that is about it!

  1. LifeLong Vitality-this is a MUST! If you do not take a foundational supplement you have to. We just cannot get adequate micronutrients and antioxidants from our available food supply. Antioxidants are so beneficial to help you body function and decrease inflammation! These 3 bottles are also a great value-if you were to buy each ingredient separately at the health food store it would cost you over $250 a month!! It is a no-brainer.
  2. Deep Blue Polyphenols-polyphenols are another plant based source of potent antioxidants and have a myriad of health benefits. In the beginning I took two capsules twice daily and I was able to wean completely off my ibuprofen in about 2 weeks! It was incredible. Now I take 1 capsule twice daily for maintenance.
  3. Copaiba essential oil-work on the endocannabinoid system and has potent anti-inflammatory properties. I take two drops every morning. Now that we have it in a softgel form I made the switch for convenience (each softgel has 2 drops-perfect!)
  4. Frankincense essential oil-also love the anti-inflammatory benefits so 2 drops internally every morning!
  5. Turmeric essential oil-I get the herb from the Deep Blue polyphenols, but now that we have the essential oil I added this as well. Antioxidant! There is some research to suggest that it may enhance cellular antioxidant enzymes (i.e. glutathione)-these are critical for chemical reactions in your body. Read up on all the benefits of glutathione and grab that Turmeric essential oil!! 2 drops internally
  6. Layering of lemongrass and deep blue essential oil for topical relief. On days that I feel stiff or achy (very few and far between now) I use one drop lemongrass followed by one drop deep blue onto the area.

What you must do is be consistent. Hear me when I say, if you have significant pain or advanced issues it will take time to feel better. Do not give up. The longer I have used these products the better things have gotten for me. I know they can for you too!

Here’s to health, Kami